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Contribuiți la feedbackMakananya recomed buat yng mementingkan rasa orisinil,, untuk ukuran relatif y... so untuk rasa ok
Don't judge the book from it's cover...joku utk resto.. ...dr front, this resto doubts the tp fitting I entered this resto the first impression is comfortable and clean....though it is very recomended, according to me the price of the standard tends to be affordable calco than the various dg and the quality of the Korean menu in the mall. . .topokinya is more delicious here to be the Korean resto weighing in bintaro...keep fighting y kak....don't give up!!! Bakalan jd subscription remains
Yg suka masakan korea bisa kemari, makanan dan minuman ya enak. Tempat already enak ber ac. Bersih dan rapi. Sukses selalu
Slow withdrawal, finally nyoba kesini. For the menu of course korean food is like this place that has like EXO so the majority of photo albums, albums and other events that exo banget the principal tongue. But for prices, sorry to vegetables is too expensive and the taste does not match the price. If compared to the Korean dining site mujig the price is similar to the taste and place is certainly more delicious. The price range starts from 35 if it is not wrong. Can be priced at the struk that I bought. The taste is not suitable for taste. It is possible to try, please. The place is behind the superindo pane 1. Close the thirst mountain tubso.
Enak-enak makanannyanaanananaanananananaananananaanananananaananananaanananaananananaananananaananananaanananaananananaananananananananaanananananaanananananaanananananaananananananaanananananananananananaananaanananananananaananaananananaanananaanananananananananananananananananaananananananaananananananananaanananananananananananananaananaananaananananaanananaananaananaanananananananananananananananananananananananananananananaanananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananana