Contribuiți la feedback(Translated by Google) This place is wonderful to eat. You get a decent portion of raw vegetables with your meal. Chicken white is really delicious as well as fresh Provencal sauce. And the fries are beautiful. Always friendly. Sometimes it can be busy and you have to wait a long time. But that's the case everywhere. Parking in front of the door. We will certainly return here! (Original view) Deze plaats is heerlijk om te eten. I krijgt een deftige portie rauwkost bij het eten. Kipfilet is echt heerlijk alsook de verse Provençaalse saus. In de frietjes zijn subliem. Altijd vriendelijk. Soms kan het druk zijn en moet je lang wachten. Maar dat is overal zo. Parking voor deur. Wij komen yesterday zeker nog terug!
(Traduit par Google) classment par étoiles ( pourquoi 5 étoiles 1 étoile Cosy 2ème étoile Nouvelle délicie chambersérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérér
I ordered chicken soup and had to wait, but I got probable fresh made soup!
(Traduit par Google) Large gamme, meillery qualité, service super convial et top! J'adore venir ici pour manger et boire! (Avis d'origine) big offer, best quality, super hostile and top serve! Come here and eat and drink!
(Translated by Google) The food was good, the very noisy people and damage that the corona measures are not respected so damage but I will not return there (Original view) Het eten was goed, zeer luidruchtige mensen en jammer dat de coronamaatregelen Niet nageleefd worden, dus jammer maar ik ga niet meer terug