Contribuiți la feedback Ce îi place lui Willis Schoen la Top Juice:
Sunt un juicer de top frecvent, cum îmi place salatele, sucurile și iaurtul. Chatwood este probabil preferatul meu de a face chiar și localnicii mei în Zetland, deoarece sunt doar un pachet foarte prietenos. Faceți întotdeauna o diferență atât de mare. Mâncarea este aceeași în toate punctele de ieșire de suc de top, dar acești tipi o servesc cu un zâmbet. Vezi toate recenziile.
Ce nu-i place lui Francisco Turcotte la Top Juice:
My Du-te după sucul și fructele proaspete, prețurile pot obține puțin abrupt, dar plătesc aici producătorii de calitate în produsul lor finit.
Serviciul din acesta a fost un mic lax și ar fi putut fi mai bun Vezi toate recenziile.
My trip to fresh juice and fruit, pricing can be a little steep, but they pay for quality products in their finished product above here.
I don't like whatever they say that there are fiber in ur juice, I don't think so u use juice for the love gottes, which take most of the fiber out of the juice
My change to fresh juice and fruit, prices can be a little steep, but they pay for quality products in their finished product here. the service at this was a little lax and could have been better
I'm a common top juice client as I like her salads, juices and yogurts. chatswood is probably my favorite to even bypass my locals in zetland, as they are just a really friendly baptism. always make a big difference. eating is the same in all top juice outlets, but these young serve it with a smile.
I've been here a lot, but standards have fallen. I ordered a ruby red and it tasted like carrot juice. very disappointing when the one in the past I had a real Grapefruit ginger **** were very refreshing. cutting cost corner means losing customers.