Contribuiți la feedback(Traduit Par Google) Très savoureux, bon matériel, beaucoup de légumes, le meilleur babi pangang de larégion, the ports réréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré Conseillé! (Avis d'origine) Very good, good material, lots of vegetables, the best babi panels surrounded, serious portions and very kind service. Traitor!
After two hours, dinner arrived. I'd called half an hour earlier, and the delivery guy would be on his way. When I called back, it would take 5min. The driver would have had traffic. It's 12-15min drive and that at 8:00, traffic seems strong. The food that got there wasn't worth the money or waiting. The fries were covered and greasy, and that's how it turned out. The chicken balls are also wak. The ajuin in the bami goreng seems raw. The best thing about our order is the pubic and the curry. Very unfortunate. The lady on the phone was super friendly, but, of course, we're nothing here. Last time, we had to wait so long, and then it wasn't wow. We thought we'd give it another chance, but this was the last time.
We took the rice table for two people. The portions are more than enough for two people. The taste of the dishes are a little disappointing. The fried chicken has a lot of dough tov the chicken babi pangang with spicy sauce isn't spicy at all, but sweetening up really hard with taste. In addition, we had the frog balls the good taste. Service: Delivery.
We ordered two people. Our delivery was on time, but not everything was there. When we call and share this, they tell us shortly: We're not gonna be able to bring this anymore, so come and get it. After a discussion, they'll share it with me that they're bringing it to you about policies 45min. I'm not going to wait that long, I'm going to participate, and they're going to deposit the money that isn't there. I'm curious Service: Delivery.
Removed times very clear. Delivery awful! Last call at 5:00 to see if they can deliver at 6:30. No problem, they said. They called back at 7:15 because they weren't. They had to leave because it was suddenly busy? I forgot something about the assignment. This was for me the last time I ordered anything!