Contribuiți la feedbackThis restaurant offers the best value lunch. The lunch menu includes unlimited rice, miso soup, and curry. I chose to have the double pork cutlet set with one cutlet made into pork cutlet curry.
I came here for dinner on my child's birthday. Despite the raging COVID-19 pandemic, I chose this place because they have partitions in place. They offer all-you-can-eat yakiniku and shabu shabu, but I opted for yakiniku. It was quite delicious.
I had always thought of shabu-shabu as a dinner option, but there were also groups enjoying it for lunch. They also had all-you-can-eat yakiniku available. I was in the mood for just a little bit of grilled meat, so I chose the 1980 yen option, but later regretted not upgrading to the 2980 yen one. Meat and alcohol in the afternoon is truly heavenly.
ランチが美味しくてリーズナブル。 ありがたいですね~ ー お代わり自由の『白ごはん、雑穀米、味噌汁、お漬物』...そして、『自家製カレー』は無料なのにかなり美味しい!! こないだは、時間があったので、一升ぐらい食べたかもf
どれもとてもリーズナブルの値段の上に、ランチ 11時〜15時:14時30分ラストオーダー だとセルフでご飯 白米と雑穀米の2種類 、お味噌汁、漬物、カレー 多分中辛 がおかわり自由! ランチはロースカツや唐揚げ、牛焼肉定食、牛ステーキ定食、豚骨ラーメン定食 ラーメン定食、ラーメン唐揚げ定食、肉大盛り等 、お刺身定食、野菜炒め定食など様々。もちろん、しゃぶしゃぶランチもあります! 種類は1番安い“桜”から“葵“杏“楓“蘭“の5種類も! 私はチキン南蛮定食を選んだのですが、割と食べる方なのにお腹いっぱいです…!笑 +雑穀米を1杯と、カレーを少し とても美味しかったです!ご馳走様でした!´ `