Contribuiți la feedbackThis restaurant in Kochi proudly boasts a history of over 60 years, specializing in the original soul food, "pera-yaki." The current owner, a third generation, inherited the shop from her grandmother who invented pera-yaki after World War II, which became popular and has been continued to this day. Pera-yaki is made by thinly stretching the dough like okonomiyaki, filling it with ingredients, and cooking it like a crepe. Prices range from 400 to 800 yen, depending on the ingredients and size. The sauce options range from sweet to spicy, with the spicy sauce containing pepper for its heat. Since the prefectural government issued a state of emergency to prevent the spread of COVID-19 starting from February 12, 2022, the restaurant is only offering takeout services as indoor dining is not permitted. We enjoyed freshly baked pera-yaki right next to the nearby fishing port. Interestingly, it was revealed that the first champion of this year's S-1 Grand Prix was from this restaurant.
The restaurant is run by a lovely older lady and her son. When I visited, there was one group finishing their meal, and then we had the place to ourselves. I ordered the smallest item on the menu for 400 yen with soy sauce, while my companion had the 500 yen item with spicy sauce. The lady suggested adding a sweet sauce to the spicy one, so my companion enjoyed it that way. It's a perfect spot for a snack or when you're feeling peckish - a great place for casual dining. The cozy, homey atmosphere created by the lady and her son made it a wonderful dining experience.
I went to have lunch wondering what "pera yaki" is. An old lady cooked it for me, and it felt nostalgic and very delicious. It was a shame I couldn't have a beer as I was working.
家から車で高速も使い2時間30分位かけて来ました 薄い生地にネギとじゃこ天をのせ焼き上げるお好み焼きのようなものでウスター普通、ウスター辛口、トンカツソース甘口を好みでつけて食べます 一口サイズに切って食べるととても食べやすく美味しい! ソースも3種類追いソースをして食べました 僕は一番辛口が好みでした 焼きそば豚肉入りが、とても美味しくてびっくり! どこか懐かしの味 また食べに行きたいと思います ちなみに大きな鉄板は、ガスではなく炭火で加熱しています キャンプでペラ焼きやってみようかな ´∀` b 【注意】駐車場は少し離れたところにありますが 僕の車は、車道から上がろうとすると絶対にエアロパーツが擦りそうでしたので、歩道を利用して駐車場に入りました 車高を下げたり、エアロパーツ装着車はご注意を ∀ ;
おばあちゃんが1人で営むお店 昔ながらの感じで大きな鉄板は炭火でおこしてる。だから店内は窓を全開にしていて、クーラーなどはないが、その分できた生地はふわふわで焦げたりしないのが不思議! 大きさで値段が違うみたい2人でシェアしたので800円のをチョイス 焼きそばと合わせて注文したらこれがまたよく合う! ぜひ土佐清水に行かれた際は創業63年の味を堪能して下さい