Aperitiv Sashimi Restaurante în Village of Great Neck Plaza
Afișează restaurante pe hartă
Oraș: Village of Great Neck Plaza, 69 Middle Neck Road, Village Of Great Neck Plaza, 11021, United States Of America, Village of Great Neck Plaza
"The food is spicy, delicious, and quick! If you like spicy food I would recommend coming here. Especially if you are looking for some non typical Chin..."
Prețul mediu pentru Aperitiv Sashimi este:
59 lei
Ceapă Albă
- Qty. 70 grame (70g)
Sos de soia
- Qty. 2.67 linguri (43g)
Oțet de orez
- Qty. 4 lingurite (20g)
Muștar uscat
- Qty. 0.25 linguriţă (1g)
- Qty. 2 lingurite (10g)
Ulei de semințe de struguri
- Qty. 4 lingurite (18g)
Ulei de susan prăjit
- Qty. 4 lingurite (18g)
Aceste evaluări se referă doar la ingredientele menționate.