Prosecco Restaurante în Dijon
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Oraș: Dijon, 1 Port Du Canal, 21000, Dijon, France
"Excellentissme, arrêtez vous ça décoiffe ! Vraiment j’étais coiffé et à présent je suis décoiffé. Faites moi confiance !"

Prețul mediu pentru Prosecco este:
66 lei
Aceste evaluări se referă doar la ingredientele menționate.
Hello chef chef, do you have to eat it right away or can you dessert also take 4-5 hours (cooled)? For example, if you want to bring it to a birthday. thanks for your answering xavier
hallo chef tw, last weekend also made a zabainone (although with marsalla), this was first warm then cold, it was already chreming and volumig as it should be. I had them standing for an hour. Unfortunately, something marsalla had settled down on the...
Mai multhello, I just tried it out and I hope it's done. have a question, would it like to make it holy evening as dessert, but my daughter and my father drink no alcohol, do you think you can take o-juice instead of prosecco? or other ideas? can you also ta...
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