Legume Amestecate Restaurante în Ontario
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Oraș: Ontario, 3640 Porsche Way, Ontario, CA 91764, United States
"I forgot to write it two years ago, I have once here for a lunchtime with fresh bark, it is location of those are a close of ontario mills, they are a..."

Prețul mediu pentru Legume Amestecate este:
35 lei

- Qty. 2 lire sterline (907g)

Sare Groasă
- Qty. 22g

Cartofi Yukon Gold
- Qty. 3 lire sterline (1,361g)

Morcovi baby
- Qty. 1.5 lire sterline (680g)

- Qty. 3 becuri (702g)
Aceste evaluări se referă doar la ingredientele menționate.
I thought the vinaigrette was very good. I totally forgot to put in the Gouda cheese before taking the picture - it was delicious with and without.
Yum!! We made this for dinner last night, ate it all (a meal for two), & all day today I've been dying for moreI began making the dressing with half the soy sauce the recipe called for.
Am făcut vinaigreta pentru oaspeții mei să adauge la salata lor, deoarece mulți au spus că este prea mult.