Iced Chai Tea Latte Restaurante în Lake in the Hills

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Oraș: Lake in the Hills, Einstein Bros. Bagels, 289 Randall Rd, Lake In The Hills, IL 60156, USA, Lake in the Hills, United States
Iced Chai Tea Latte
Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte Iced Chai Tea Latte


Prețul mediu pentru Iced Chai Tea Latte este:
30 lei


Aceste evaluări se referă doar la ingredientele menționate.

Timpul de preparare