Pui La Gratar Restaurante în Mumbai, Navi Mumbai
Afișează restaurante pe hartă
Caută un oraș
Prețul mediu pentru Pui La Gratar este:
44 lei
Piepturi de pui la grătar
- Qty. 4 unitati (208g)
- Qty. 1 livră (454g)
- Qty. 0.5 băț (57g)
- Aisle Produce Qty. 3 unitati (252g)
Smântână grasa
- Qty. 0.75 ceașcă (179g)
Jumătate și Jumătate
- Qty. 0.25 ceașcă (61g)
Brânză Parmesan
- Qty. 1.5 cupe (223g)
- Qty. 9g
Piper negru
- Qty. 4g
- Aisle Produce Qty. 20 frunze (10g)
Aceste evaluări se referă doar la ingredientele menționate.
Loved it. Substituted steak sauce (do not like the unhealthy ingredients) with Worcestershire sauce as did others. Made extra sauce for dipping. Do not really need it. Will def make again!!
Super easy and fast - I usually have all these ingredients on hand and since this doesn't require marinating it is excellent for a weeknight dinner even when you don't have time to plan.
My go to recipe for grilled chicken! I always make sure I make some extra sauce to drizzle over the top of the grilled chicken or to serve on the side as a dip.