Curry De Pește Restaurante în La Roche-Bernard
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Oraș: La Roche-Bernard, Quai Saint-Antoine, 56130, La Roche-Bernard, France
"Très bonnes pizzas, patron accueillant et sympathique."
Prețul mediu pentru Curry De Pește este:
49 lei
Pește Grouper
- Qty. 1.5 lire sterline (680g)
Sare Kosher
- Qty. 12g
Ardei Cayenne
- Qty. 1 linguriţă (2g)
Turmeric Măcinat
- Qty. 1 linguriţă (3g)
Ulei de semințe de struguri
- Qty. 3 linguri (41g)
Semințe de muștar maronii
- Qty. 1 linguriţă (2g)
Frunze de curry
- Qty. 3.5 unitati (2g)
- Qty. 0.5 linguriţă (2g)
Bucată Ghimbir
- Qty. 1 unitate (60g)
- Qty. 5 cuișoare (15g)
Ceapă Roșie
- Qty. 0g
Roșii Tăiate
- Qty. 14 uncii (397g)
Lapte de cocos nesweetat
- Qty. 13.5 uncii (383g)
Zbrobă de pui
- Qty. 1 ceașcă (240g)
Frunze de coriandru
- Qty. 0g
Orez Basmati Gătit
- Qty. 0g
Orez sălbatic
- Qty. 0g
- Qty. 0g
Lămâie verde
- Qty. 0g
Aceste evaluări se referă doar la ingredientele menționate.
Followed the recipe but cut the salt in half and prepared the night before so after covering the fillets with the paste I covered the casserole with foil and put it in the fridge.
This was so good! It is a good way to make fish that is unique and deliciousThe balance of spices and the richness of the oil are the perfect complement to the blandness of fish.
A little too spicy. I'd cut back on some of the spices next time, but otherwise very tasty.