Pui Curry Restaurante în Lieusaint
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Prețul mediu pentru Pui Curry este:
44 lei
Piept de pui fără os și fără piele
- Qty. 4 unitati (1,088g)
Pudră de curry
- Aisle Spices and Seasonings Qty. 4 linguri (25g)
- Qty. 0.25 linguriţă (2g)
Ulei vegetal
- Qty. 1 Lingura de masa (14g)
Smântână grasa
- Qty. 1.5 cupe (357g)
- Qty. 1 Lingura de masa (1g)
Orez basmati brun
- Qty. 2 cupe (370g)
- Qty. 4 cupe (946g)
- Qty. 1 Cub (5g)
- Qty. 0.5 linguriţă (2g)
Aceste evaluări se referă doar la ingredientele menționate.
I'm not Indian, so no idea what authentic Indian Curry should taste likeHowever, I love this dish! I added green beans, red bell pepper and zucchini to make it a more complete meal.
I made it exactly according to the recipe and it was really good! It smells super warm and earthy.
This was very yummy! I did toast the spices and substituted veg oil for the olive oil.