Cezar Restaurante în Waterton Park
Acest fel de mancare nu are nici un restaurant

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Parmigiano Reggiano
- Aisle Cheese Qty. 0.5 ceașcă (74g)

Pastă de Anșoa
- Aisle Canned and Jarred Qty. 1 linguriţă (4g)

Dressing pentru Salată
- Aisle Oil, Vinegar, Salad Dressing Qty. 4 uncii (113g)

- Aisle Oil, Vinegar, Salad Dressing Qty. 0.5 ceașcă (15g)
Aceste evaluări se referă doar la ingredientele menționate.
I like this!
Great twist on a Caesar salad, HappyGrandma! We love grilled romaine and I'm glad I finally got around to making this recipe.
This was fun, delicious and a great play on a caesar salad! I used 'The Last Caesar Salad Recipe You'll Ever Need' for the dressing, and I only had Italian bread, so I went with that.